Tuesday, April 9, 2019

April 9, 2019

I have found a lovely new praying place!  It is not in a closet.  As a matter of fact, it is not in the house. It is on my swing in the back yard facing the farm.  My dear husband built this swing made for two.....  I love just a swingin' and a thinkin' and a praying. I never tire of watching the birds and wondering what God's divine plan is for the rest of my life.

How about you?  Do you like to swing?  When was the last time you did so?  For some of us, it brings back sweet memories of a simple childhood. I remember stretching out on a padded swing in my Yaya's backyard. Her garage had an overhang on the side and the swing was attached to it. This provided protection from the sun and the rain .I could place my shoe against the pole and keep it moving.  For whatever reason, "Blueberry Hill" is a song I sang at the tender age of ten while I swung very gently. It probably has to do with having a brother ten years older who danced with me in the living room after school most days.

Every Summer Yaya had a garden and the rabbits would try to steal the lettuce! She would take her apron off and swat at them. Every Friday she made lamb stew for my Papou.  And every Friday he would say to her, "Yenecka (which is "Woman" in Greek), I don't like peas in my stew."  And every Friday night she would answer, "Neh, Neh, Neh" which was supposed to mean, "yes, yes, yes".  But you guessed it, for forty-four years she served him peas in his stew.

Let me hear from you about your memories of swinging.  Perhaps you were pushed on a rope swing by your big brother. 

If nothing else, find your praying place outdoors.  It is Spring and there are blessing awaiting us!
Don't wait.   Don't allow yourself to have regrets.

Your Sister in Christ,



  1. My praying places are near large bodies of water or large open fields. Swings are nice too.

  2. I love large bodies of water too! And streams and lakes. But my swing is always available to me just like Jesus!
