Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Today is the first day of Spring, so they say. In my little corner of the world, Winter never came in 2019. At least not literally.
However, my husband's season was a bit rougher- not a gentle breeze with flowers in bloom.
He ended up with a slow heartbeat to the tune of 42 and a quick procedure to implant a pacemaker.

Ah,medical science's answer to a slow or erratic heart rate! And now, he can pick up his feet and pick up his pace...that is, he can strut again, instead of shuffling ahead with his head down.

Let me explain, Dan is a man after God's own heart...not a perfect man but a devoted man.
Devoted to God, his family, his friends and to those he serves in the name of Jesus.  He had no doubt that his heart would be regulated so he can finish the race.  Yes, the race set forth for him by the Almighty God who knit him in his mother's womb and knew the days he would be blessed with.

Today, this first day of a new Season of our lives, we give thanks. And if you have read this post all the way through, we pray you, too, will enjoy the Blessings that are unfolding for you!

To erase any doubt, please read Jeremiah 29:11   



  1. Blessings indeed! How wonderful for your husband and for you. Lynette H.

  2. I am glad he is upright and healing. Seasons come and seasons go but God's love remains. :) Blessings.

    1. Yes. They do and yes His love does.....remain.. Always.
      Feeling blessed to share our thoughts and prayers with one another.
