Friday, May 1, 2020

Happy May Day,
I would write more often if I knew you were following me.  Without comments, I assume you are not reading my posts.
It has been 46 days of "shelter in place" or "self-quarantine".... My husband and I have actually enjoyed the time together.
We pray, watch Christian television and our church on-line services. We also broke down and subscribed to Netflix. 
We have watched every sports movie!  We play cards and games, play golf, sit in our swing and enjoy the farmland behind our house, and cook alot! 
We have resorted to putting together jig saw puzzles- mostly me but Dan joins in a few minutes each day. We absolutely love riding somewhere scenic in the golf cart to see a magnificent sunset.
A message of inspiration: The protagonist in my novel, "The Christmas Slayings", writes to me from prison in Ohio.  She has kept me posted during this pandemic. She usually sews flags but since this crisis occurred she said they sewed two million masks for healthcare providers. Now they are sewing disposable gowns, 250 a day.  They work twelve hours a day during the week and eight hours on the week-end days. She is happy to be able to contribute. She was baptized a few months ago and feels that God has a purpose for her life.
During this time of being sequestered,  I wrote a book based on my keynote presentation to NorthLake Presbyterian Church women's retreat. "Beome a Beacon of Light"- Reflect the love of Jesus by developing the characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit. Watch for it on Amazon and Facebook.
I hope you are safe and well.
Yaya Phyllis aka Dr. Rosie Klein aka Phyllis Kuehnl-Walters aka Phyllis K. Walters

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

     As anyone reading this post knows, we are on self-imposed exile-ha!- from our friends and family. Fortunately, we are blessed to live in a beautiful climate with flowers in bloom and many birds in our yard.  My husband begins feeding them in November when they migrate South. They are faithful to those who feed them! They hover around until May.  Right now, we have a bluebird nest in our birdhouse! Flowers are in bloom.  Bottle brush tree is in full blossom.  Lawns are green. 
     Today our polo facility began testing for the COV-19 virus. We are a community of 125 vulnerable Senior Citizens.  Polo season cancelled as has everything else. Even the dog parks closed today. We pray the virus does not circulate here with Seniors being high risk.
     So let's focus on gratitude.  I have begun writing a new book entitled "Become a Beacon of Light".
This was the topic chosen by the North Lake Presbyterian Church ladies for their retreat theme.  I was the keynote speaker and they were extremely gracious to me.  I presented how to develop the 9 Fruit of The Spirit to reflect God's light and love. 
     I am grateful for the privilege of speaking to groups of men and women who are hungry for encouragement and direction. I am grateful to have published four books in the past three years. I am grateful I am a pen pal with my main character. My main character in "The Christmas Slayings"....
The book is a fictionalized version of true events occurring in Dayton Ohio 1992.  I moved the setting, changed events, and used different names.
     Let me know you have read my blog.  I will read yours!
Blessings and prayers for your health.

Yaya Phyllis

Saturday, February 29, 2020

2020 The Year of Clarity

Good morning!
I am looking out my windows.  The bottle brush tree is in full bloom. In Florida, some trees bloom several times a year. My husband has a bird feeder hanging from a limb. There are two cardinals chowing down in a hurry. The squirrels will soon frighten them away. A red, plastic dish hanging on the wire above the feeder is meant to keep the critters from reaching the seed. Somehow, they manage to sway the feeder enough to scatter seed from the ledge to the ground.

The pasture below us extends several acres. The farmer sold land beyond to a dog park owner. It is quite a vista. Often, I sit in my swing and just think and pray and take in the natural beauty surrounding our modest ranch home. My recently purchased piano also faces the meadow. I am truly blessed.

The protagonist from my crime novel- "The Christmas Slayings"- turned 48 on the 27th of this month. We e-mail one another frequently. It works much quicker than the U.S. mail and costs less. She was very sad to report no one wished her a happy birthday but me. I sent her a health and beauty aides package but it has not arrived. She submitted a list to me and then wrote back saying she hoped she didn't scare me off. I am her only contact, as far as I know, to the outside world. She has been incarcerated for 21 years and will serve a life-time. If you are inclined, please pray for her. Her name is Heather.

Have a great week-end! We are off to the Greek festival.

Yaya Phyllis

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Leap Year

Dear Friends,

Every four years, we are blessed with an extra day! Happy early birthday to my friends with February 29th birthdays. I would love to hear how you celebrate the other three years! Please comment....

I will not forget this February 29th.  Why?  I will receive my first royalty check for "The Christmas Slayings" which launched in December. Thank you to all who have purchased it.  I hope you like it and if you do, please publish a brief review on Amazon.

I am corresponding with the protagonist in this novel.  She will be 48 years old soon and has been serving a life sentence since the age of 21. Although she didn't shoot anybody, she was with the gang and received as long a sentence as one of the two shooters. She believes God has a purpose for her life and is relatively content serving the Lord in prison. What purpose?  For one thing, she facilitates Celebrate Recovery which is a Christian addiction recovery program. In addition, she scares young women straight. Those serving brief sentences see what poor choices can result in and want no part of becoming a "lifer". She says she works from 6:00 a.m. till 3:00 pm sewing flags.  She likes the work. It puts her in contact with other women and makes the days go quickly.

If you have read this post, please comment to encourage me to write often.  I have been on a sabbatical, so to speak, because I was not getting responses. As Heather ends each of her jail e-mails to me, be safe and thank you for your prayers.

Yaya Phyllis